
  • 曾参加过美国内战的退伍老兵埃森·爱德华兹(约翰·韦恩JohnWayne饰)战争结束后返回家乡德克萨斯州,来到哥哥的…
  • In the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the members of a PT boat squadron patrol Philippi…
  • Ranch hand Rocklin arrives in town to start his new job but his employer has been murdered and the l...
  • 科尔作为一个枪手被牧场主贾森派去埃尔多拉多赶走麦克唐纳一家,科尔在执行任务时及时放弃了逼走唐纳一家的念头,…
  • 影片描绘的是登陆诺曼底的第一天所发生的事件,所谓最长的一天是该片分别从盟军和德军双方面的角度同时描述诺曼第…
  • 德克萨斯的一个镇上,警长JohnTChance和副警长酒鬼Dude将作恶多端的JoeBurdette绳之以法,并将其关在监狱里,和另…
  • I remember seeing this film as a lad on a family outing in Manhattan, topped off by my insistence that we …
  • J.D. Cahill is the toughest U.S. Marshal they've got, just the sound of his name makes bad guys stop in th…
  • 西部片巨匠霍华德·霍克斯HowardHawks导演的非洲冒险片。片中有不少精彩的野生动物生态镜头,捕兽场面也拍得相当…
  • 故事以美国南北战争结束后的中西部旷野为背景,托马斯·道森(约翰·韦恩 John Wayne 饰)白手起家,在养子马修(…
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